We're located at 22818 SE 8th St. Sammamish, WA 98074
Sign in to contact Sammamish Hills Lutheran ChurchThis is a job in…
- Youth / Student Ministry
- Camp Ministry
- Children's Ministry
- Christian Education
- Family Ministry
Our church…
- is Lutheran (ELCA)
- has an average worship attendance of 150

Job at Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church
Director of Youth & Family Ministry
Job Description
Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church seeks a professional leader with an understanding of the foundations of Christian faith, (a Lutheran lens is helpful) and who is passionate about Jesus, and helping young people encounter a God of grace. We seek someone who not only values the existing programs established by Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church, but who is also energized to envision and build new ministries that engage both church members and our community alike.
Principal Qualifications:
* Significant experience in youth and family ministry, camp ministry, or Christian Education or Children's ministry and/or a Master's or Associates degree in Youth & Family Ministry or Christian Education is preferred.
* Organizational skills and time management skills
* Interpersonal communication skills and written and oral communication skills
(see full position description on church website: www.shlc.org)
Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church
We are located in the center of our community surrounded by three high schools. Every year we hold a Day of Service in our surrounding community where we engage nearly 1000 volunteers in one day of service to over 30 different organizations.