We're located at 3207 Montevallo Rd. Mountain Brook, AL 35223
Sign in to contact St. Peter's AnglicanOur church…
- is Anglican
- has an average worship attendance of 175

St. Peter's Anglican
St. Peter’s glorifies God the Father through knowing His Son, Jesus Christ, and making Him known, by the power of His Holy Spirit.
Church description
St. Peter’s is a community of God’s grace that fulfills Jesus’ commands to love God, love others, and share the Gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are in search of a full time Children's Ministry Director who seeks to instill the love and knowledge of God in our youngest church members through sound and age appropriate teachings/curriculum that has its authority firmly rooted in the Scriptures.
Jobs posted by St. Peter's Anglican
Seeking a Director of Children's Ministry who person will be responsible for building a ministry program for our growing number of children in the nursery - 5th grade age range.
- Youth / Student Ministry
- Children's Ministry
- Family Ministry
Posted 5 months ago